3 Of The Best Potty Training Tips

Potty training is hard. It takes strong will, patience and determination. There have been many times during potty training my 3 children that I wanted to give up. I mean who wants to constantly clean poop and pee accidents. It is a necessary right of passage and can be conquered within 3-5 days with consistency. 

The way I potty train my children is a little different from others. It’s a 3 step method I use when potty training.

  1. First I do what I like to call the “butt naked” way. Let me explain what that is: instead of using pull-ups, I just let them run around the house naked or with bottoms on but NO pull-up. So far it works.

How is this method better?

The child gets to see what is happening when they pee or poop on themselves. They get to feel how uncomfortable it is. Plus, in my experience they were less likely to just let go. With the pull-up on they still felt it was like a diaper and treated it as such. Once they learned to use the potty more, that is when I would put a pull-up on them when we went out, during naps and at bedtime.

Create a Routine

  1. While potty training in the first 3 days I make them go to the potty every 15 minutes. With my first child, my son, we were not consistent, but he picked it up well. With my second child, a girl, I did what my mom suggested which was for her to sit on the potty every 30 minutes. I realized this was too long and accidents frequently occurred. So, I shortened it to 15 minutes and was able to get into a routine. This daughter was a little more difficult to potty train because she’s more on the quiet type and didn’t mind “sitting in her own stew”. That is why I say you need a lot of patience. We made it through and by my third child, another girl, I had it down pack. With the 15-minute potty training routine she learned a lot quicker how to use the potty. She is also more vocal in telling us when she has to go potty which helps a lot. I would recommend a simple easy to use potty that is comfortable. Amazon has a great one that is fun and easy to use.


  1. Most healthy parents do not LIKE to discipline their children, but it is necessary for order. A child needs to know when they did something wrong so they can correct it. Anytime a child of mine peed on themselves, I showed it to them and reminded them it does not belong on the floor or their clothes, it goes in the potty only. Their feelings may be hurt at first but eventually they will put together that when they have to go, go on the potty. On the other hand make sure to praise your child when they go to the potty. This builds confidence, enjoyment, and will keep your child motivated. 

That’s it. Easy as 1,2,3. Depending on the child if you follow these three steps you should start to see your child transition to using the potty. Accidents will still happen as they develop their bladder and the muscles that control urination and bowel movement. These accidents should get less and less. If not you may want to speak to a Pediatrician. There are a bunch of articles about potty training; I found this article on when and how to potty train very useful. 

Do you have any tips for potty training? Let me know in the comments below.

As always,

Be You Confidently