grayscale photo of woman with daisy on ear

How I Knew I Was An Introvert

How did I know I was an introvert? Social media. We’ve all seen those trending posts where they ask “what kind of friend are you?” They even have groups dedicated to introverts which I am a part of and the women in these groups speak my language. They go through a lot of what I go through as far as being an introvert. Before then I just classified myself as shy, which I still am, but when I’m comfortable I am capable of opening up.

I thought I would talk about some of the traits I have that led me to accepting I am an introvert.


Are you someone who drops off the face of the Earth with no warning? People don’t hear from you for weeks and then pop-up like nothing ever happened. Honestly, this is Me. I will drop off the face of the Earth and do not want to talk to anyone. It is not because of bad blood or hurt feelings. I need the time and space to myself. This usually occurs when I feel overwhelmed, burnt out and depressed. I don’t feel like myself.

Short Social Span

I can only be around people for so long before it is time to go. I have been at family functions where it was all good at first, then I get antsy and it is time to make my escape. I start getting irritated with the things people do. I just don’t understand them sometimes. Most of them do not understand me either, so.

Needs My Alone Time

I prefer to be alone 99% of the time. The other 1% I can tolerate. My mom told me I was this way as a little girl. I would interact with other children, but I preferred to play alone and do my own thing. I can see the same behavior as an adult. I am usually ducked off somewhere by myself, observing the scene or working by myself. Every now and then I will pipe up in a conversation of interest to me and then back into my shell I go.

Background Observer

I like to be in the background observing everyone else rather than be in center stage. In my opinion you can learn a lot by listening. I love hearing other people’s stories. Maybe I should start a podcast just for moms to tell their stories. Let me know in the comments if this is something you would be interesting in hearing or participating in.


I am very insightful and introspective. I go inside my mind a lot, to get to the root of some of my issues. Why do certain things bother me or trigger me? Why am I sensitive to these kinds of words or reactions? Why do I have feelings of envy or worthlessness? These questions plus many others run through my mind a lot. I don’t have all the answers, some I’m still accepting, but I won’t stop till I work through them to become the positive confident woman I am meant to be.

Tell me are you an introvert, extrovert or a mixture of both? As an introvert do you sometimes feel misunderstood or judged?

Either way, 

Be You Confidently