November 2021 new moon in scorpio astrological and tarot reading

New Moon in Scorpio

This new moon on November 4th is in the watery sign of Scorpio. This will bring energy of transformation, deep thoughts and communication, and passionate energy.

The sign of Scorpio is ruled by Uranus which is the planet of awakening, revelations, and originality.

Uranus Opposes This Scorpio New Moon

This transit signifies that the two energies of the moon and Uranus are pushing or pulling against each other. It is creating a sense of shaking things up and getting out of stagnant energy. Be open to and embrace this need for change.

Where are you tired of the day-to-day routine and looking for more passion and meaning? Do you feel drained doing the same old thing and looking for more spontaneity? Are you looking for a deeper connection, tired of surface level communication?

All this is caused by this transit of Uranus opposing the New Moon in Scorpio.

Scorpio Season 2021 (October 22-November 21)

This Scorpio season you should expect things beneath the surface to rise again. During this season you want to do shadow work to uncover hidden truths. Also, be aware of how you feel.

Listen to your intuition. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Empaths that recognize negative energy, protect your peace.

Find what you are passionate about or that brings you joy and step into that space. Scorpio yawns at simplicity and the mundane.  

Fall is the season of fresh starts, and a new moon signifies the beginning of a new cycle.

All Millennials' Pluto is in Scorpio

Pluto rules transformation, death, and rebirth. Scorpio also rules rebirth, intense emotions, authenticity, sex, and passion. These emotions can be extreme or possessive at times.

These two together bring a whirlwind of change and transformation. During our lifetime we will go through many periods of death and rebirth. These stages are necessary to evolve into our highest self. You have the ability to move through difficulties, work through emotional intensity, and face extreme situations with a greater ease than most.

Scorpios look beneath the surface seeking a deeper meaning to questions asked. They are always looking for a way to be their authentic self.

Remember who you are. Don’t let anyone tell you who you ain’t. Express your authentic self with passion and watch the transformation unfold.


What Does This New Moon in Scorpio Mean for You

The moon in Scorpio unpacks its soul’s purpose in ways that might evoke intense emotions, creating bonds with others that are deep, transformative, and possibly possessive.

You may become fixated on maintaining control instead of finding ways to allow for new experiences. The inconsistencies and traumas of your childhood may resurface creating a desire to leave what feels stable and change what is familiar.

You may also find it difficult during this time to build and maintain connections thanks to Uranus opposing Scorpio.

On the flip side you could experience deep, passionate yearning to reconnect with those you care about. Sexual energy is on the rise and will be hard to contain. Work on moving your sacral chakra either through sensual dance or sex.


Setting Intentions

A new moon signifies beginning a new cycle, hopefully one of change. During a new moon ritual you can rest, reflect, and set intentions for the new cycle ahead. Here is how to set intentions

Tarot Reading

The Magician: the talents, capabilities, and resources are at your disposal to succeed. The message is to tap into your full potential rather than holding back.

Page of Wands (Reversed): you are bursting with new ideas but unsure of how to bring it to life. You sometimes doubt if you can do it at all. This may not be the best time to make rash decisions or start something new. Wait a while and let things unfold as they may.

The Hermit: the time to withdraw from public life is now. There are things that need to be hashed out or addressed and you need  do it alone. There is peace in solitude.

As always,

Be You Confidently


(for full readings follow me on Facebook)


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