10 ways to resolve conflict using feminine energy

10 Ways to Resolve Conflict Using Feminine Energy

Conflict in a relationship is inevitable. As individuals we are bound to bump heads. Therefore, learning how to resolve conflict in your relationship takes intentional practice. Here are 10 ways to resolve conflict in your relationship using feminine energy. 

Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energy

All women and men possess both masculine and feminine energy to varying degrees. However, when a man or a woman is not aligned with their own core masculine or feminine energy, that results in many painful consequences. It can affect their love relationship or marriage, their family dynamics, their work and business relationships, and their friendships.

I’ve been reading Being a Woman by Toni Grant which dives into true femininity and balancing masculine and feminine energies to have fulfilling relationships.

10 Ways to Resolve Conflict in Your Relationship Using Feminine Energy

pin image of 10 ways to resolve conflict in your relationship using feminine energy

1. Be Respectful to Your Partner

Don’t interrupt them and don’t allow the other person to interrupt you when you’re speaking. Respect each other’s time to speak.

Silence- sometimes the best thing you can do is become silent. You hear. You can think clearly. Masculine energy is so solution driven that while you are being silent (in your feminine energy) he will figure things out. Meanwhile you preserved the remainder of your energy and didn’t make the situation worse.

2. Set a Time for Discussion and Stick to It. Define What You Need In Order to Feel Satisfied

This is when boundaries will be tested. Stick to your boundaries even when things get uncomfortable. Men respect a woman with firm boundaries.

3. Listen Carefully and Show That You Understand What They Are Saying

Active listening is a skill that involves you listening to understand NOT to respond. We can get caught up in our own brains thinking of what to say next. This is masculine not feminine. Doing this doesn’t leave room for paying attention to what was said. You can’t do both. So, make the choice to listen and then respond that you understood.

4. Practice Empathy- Put Yourself in His Shoes

Try not to judge or be defensive.

Honestly, this can be difficult in the heat of the moment as you will only be concerned with how you feel. Feminine energy is all about understanding how you feel but empathy will get you heard. When someone sees that you understand their perspective it let’s their guard down. In this moment you will begin to hear and heal.

5. Agree on an action plan together that will help resolve the conflict at hand.

A good plan is “OK we are going to be gentle with each other and not force solutions or be right all the time”. Focus on what you can do to make things better instead of dwelling on what they did wrong. Remember that you two are on the same team.

6. Communicate Openly and Honestly With Each Other

Be honest about your feelings and take accountability for your actions. Also do not take responsibility for anyone else’s feelings.

7. Use "I" statements instead of "you" statements when expressing your feelings.

This avoids blaming each other for causing the problem in your relationship. “I” statements are you taking responsibility and control of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

8. Be open-minded about potential solutions that don't involve just one person giving something up or changing their behavior.

We have to stop trying to control our partner. Instead learn to compromise. Accept that you cannot change anyone, that is solely up to them. If you have talked until you are blue in the face you have to accept that they will not hear you.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them”

9. Be Accountable for Your Actions- Apologize When You've Done Something Wrong

This is taking responsibility for your part in the conflict in your relationship. Then it’s time to move on. Practice self-compassion and forgive yourself as well as him.

10. Listen without judgment, try not to criticize or offer advice unless it is asked of you. Communicate openly with one another about how you are feeling

Give up all expectations of perfection. No one is perfect including you. We all make mistakes, that’s how you learn. Being overly critical and judgmental of your partner will eventually drive them away and cause more problems. There is a time to speak and a time to be quiet. Let your feminine inner guide show you discernment.  

Not every disagreement can or will get resolved. These 10 ways to resolve conflict in your relationship using feminine energy are a starting point.

After a disagreement make time for each other. Go on dates and have quality time together. Share positive memories with each other. Men like to be complimented as well, so compliment his qualities and admire his ability to fight for y’all relationship.

For more ideas on how to reignite passion in your relationship read here

Try not to bring up old arguments. Feminine energy evokes positive emotions. Again, pick a time when you both are calm and ready to have a serious discussion.

Talk in a calm voice that doesn’t raise the level of emotion in the conversation. Remember femininity is a gift with the ability to stay wise, calm, smart, and charming.

As always,

Be You Confidently


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