what the new moon in libra means for you

It’s a Balancing Act: What the Libra New Moon Means for You

The New Moon in Libra begins October 6, 2021. Just as Libra season begins, we step onto the balancing scale.

Libra needs to create beauty, bring peace, and pursue justice. If your Libra sign is out of whack, you work hard to create harmony and balance again.

Ruled by the Planet Venus

All 12 astrology signs are ruled by a respective planet of our solar system. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. Venus is known as the goddess of love and beauty.

Therefore, Librans are constantly forming connections with others, are sociable/likeable, and aesthetically pleasing whether through clothes or environment.

What is a New Moon

A new moon occurs when the moon’s orbit around Earth moves it between the Earth and Sun. The moon’s surface looks dark because the illuminated side is facing away from the Earth.

What Does a New Moon Mean Spiritually

The new moon signifies times of blessings, new beginnings, and changes on the horizon. Whether intentional or not, the new moon will always bring a wave of change. It is the beginning of a new cycle.

During a new moon you should reflect on what has happened since the previous full moon. Were you able to release baggage and negativity? Has anything new popped up that you need to focus on?

This is a great time to set new intentions and begin new projects. Also the power to manifest is greater during a new moon.

The moon is key to your physical and emotional needs. Paying attention to the cycles you go through will unlock what you need to focus on on this journey.

Whatever sign your moon is in will determine how best to reflect your life’s purpose while also tending to your physical and emotional needs with care.

New Moon in Libra 2021

This new moon in the sign of Libra is calling us (you, me, the collective) to evaluate our environment. Are you open to receive love and blessings? Are you surrounding yourself with people or things that bring you joy?

What about your emotional scale? Is it tipped to one side and showing up in dysfunctional relationships?

These are some things to think about as we look to this new moon. Libra energy is always finding balance. It is time to usher in a new mindset. You deserve to be surrounded by beauty and positive energy. You deserve to have nice things or go out to nice places.

There is a difference between sacrifice and neglect. You can sacrifice for a bigger goal, but you should never neglect your self-care.

Self-care isn’t just physical it is also establishing boundaries, making sure your needs are met, resolving conflict, and standing up for yourself. Reminding yourself to prioritize your needs above all else should be a daily practice.

It’s ok to seek justice for others but also seek justice for yourself. Disagreements are part of the process to peace if you get an understanding.

Intuitive Reading for Libra New Moon

the star tarot card reversed what it means during the new moon in libra

The tarot card that came up during the new moon in Libra reading. 

The star card is a sign of hope and inspiration. However when it is reversed, there is despair and  a lack of faith. You may be feeling like nothing is going right and the Universe is stacked against you. You are having a hard time seeing the silver lining, but it’s there. 

As a mom we have so many jobs to fulfill and people are depending on us. Life can feel overwhelming and we wonder how can we make it through life’s challenges? 

This is a test of faith. When confronted with challenges are you going to crumble like the tower or stand firm in your conviction that the Divine is on your side?

Have faith in the Universe’s plan. And have confidence in yourself that you will make it through. Trust yourself and your intuition to make the right choice.

Take this time to rest and do some self-care. If you are feeling disengaged or uninspired, take this time to figure out how you can structure (and balance) your life.

Reconnect with what is truly important to you and align your daily life with your soul’s purpose. This will bring back harmony.

Your energy is feeling depleted so instead of pushing yourself you need to recharge. Taking a ritual bath in healing waters will help.

What Do You Do During a Libra New Moon Ritual

The new moon is a time for rest, reflect, and planning. Most people write their intentions under the new moon and then take inspired action.

Moon guides our intuition and as women intuition is one of our superpowers. Have faith and follow your gut. Everybody’s path will be different, so it is important to listen to your inner guide directing yours.

A new moon ritual is about being intentional and specific about what it is you are wanting to manifest.

Manifestation is the power of thought. Whatever you think you bring forth into the physical world. You are bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief.

a balancing act what the new moon in Libra means for you

Here's How to Create Your Own New Moon Ritual

1. Prepare your sacred space

First make sure this area is clean and free of unnecessary clutter. Depending on my mood and the weather I will go outside or carve out a space in a room.

My usual spot is my room using a table to set things upon. I make sure I have what I need usually a journal, some sage, and crystal.

2. Take a ritual bath

Water has healing powers with the ability to wash away and make room for growth. Start by adding Epsom salt to your bath water and relaxing for 20 minutes. You can play relaxing music or affirmations. My favorites are from YouTube.

You can also add herbs, citrus, or essential oils for protection and cleansing. Submerge yourself and envision the water washing away all that is old and unworthy. You have a clean slate mentally and energetically under the new moon.

3. Ground Yourself

After you take your bath, you can ground yourself before the ritual. Grounding is the process of centering yourself and connecting to Mother Earth. This lets you know that you are safe in the present moment and that as a spiritual being you have the power to create abundance all around you.

One way to ground yourself is to have all four elements around you. Crystals represent earth, candle is fire, incense is air, and a bowl of water with salt.

Pick whatever crystal you are drawn to. Some good ones to start are moonstone, labradorite, amazonite, and selenite.

Close your eyes and take deep, centering breathes. Feel the air flow through your body and the ground beneath your feet. Visualize a peaceful light all around you.

4. Energetically clear yourself and your items

Once I’ve feel grounded I will energetically clear my space. I use sage but you can also use palo santo.

Light it and wave the smoke around your body paying attention to your 7 chakras and anything on your altar you would like to clear, like oracle cards.

5. Journaling

Once you feel grounded and connected inside and out, release what is on your mind through journaling. Let whatever is on your mind and heart flow onto paper.

You can use journal prompts if you like to focus on a specific area. How are you feeling? What would you like to experience next? What sort of intentions, desires, or vision do you have for your life?

Journaling is therapeutic as it lightens the mental load. Journaling can also show you what patterns there are, where you are now mentally, and what your dreams and passions are.

6. Write your intentions

Under a new moon it is best for setting intentions for the next phase of your life. New moon is about new beginnings so what do you wish to attract? We all have the ability to manifest both good and bad, depending on what energy you put out there. When setting intentions be very specific so it is easier for the Universe and your subconscious mind to manifest, create, and attract to you.

Need help here is  a post on How to Set Intentions

7. Receive spiritual guidance

This is my favorite part of a moon ritual. I love to pull tarot and oracle cards for spiritual guidance.

The message in the card is what I need to work on for personal growth. I always write down the messages I receive from the cards in a special journal. This allows me to reflect and dig deeper in my shadow work.

Each card has a different meaning for any area in life: family, love, career, finances, and personal. There are different spreads you can do that ask specific questions like 3 card spread past, present and future.

8. Visualize

Take time to visualize what you want this next chapter to look like. What is it you desire? What would it feel like to have it? Close your eyes and breathe it in as if it is already happening. Your intentions have manifested! Visualize your dream life coming true.

what the new moon in libra means for you


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