9 yoga poses for peace of mind, reduce stress, anxiety and depression

9 Yoga Poses for Peace of Mind

Yoga is a centuries old practice used to connect mind, body, and spirit for peace of mind. Yoga has been a hot topic for years now as a way to reduce stress and even help in weight loss.

9 yoga poses for peace of mind if you are dealing with extreme stress, anxiety, and depression.

1. Downward Dog

This foundational yoga pose balances chi and has an immediate calming effect as fluids circulate to the head and upper body. It also relieves stress on the spine.

Begin on hands and knees, toes pressing into the yoga mat. Lift the body upward, head pointed downward, hamstrings engaged, hands shoulder width and fingers spread apart. Hold for as long as feels right to you, allowing a deep feeling of peace to emerge.

2. Reclined Twist

Stretch your pelvis and hips with this pose. Be sure to breathe while holding for 30-60 seconds.

Lay on your back and pull the knees to your chest. Bring one arm outward and to the side, shoulder height with palm up. Bring the knees to the opposite side all the way to the floor. Hold as long as feels right to you, allowing calming sensations of peace to wash over you; repeat this process on the other side.

3. Mountain Pose

This pose is a great way to ground yourself and focus on your breathing. Stand with your feet together, gently pressing the bottoms of your feet into the floor. Press your palms lightly against your lower back which will help you find proper alignment of your spine. Breathe normally focusing on long deep breaths for about 30 seconds or until you feel more relaxed.

4. Chair Pose

This is a great pose to awaken the body and increase energy. Your hips will be strengthened, your thighs will get firmer, and it generally helps invigorate you!

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart. Turn your toes out slightly so the midline of the body is facing forward, not to the side. Keep your knees bent slightly. Your palms can be pressed together in front of your heart chakra, or you can hold one hand in Namaste position in front of your chest.

Slowly inhale and press yourself back into a squat. Press your arms down and swing your tailbone up, allowing you to come into a low chair pose. Hold for about 30 seconds while breathing deep and try coming back up on an exhale without using momentum from using your arms.

5. Child's Pose

This pose is a great stretch for the low back, thighs, and hips after standing for prolonged periods of time. It’s also a great stress reliever because it promotes an inner sense of peace and calm through deep breathing.

Start with your knees just wider than hip-width apart and toes pointed slightly outward from one another so you have a stable foundation. Slowly begin to lower your torso down onto your thighs as you bend your knees, allowing the tops of them to touch the mat and letting your arms dangle at either side of you.

Your forehead should be touching or close to touching the mat and your breathing deep and even. Try holding this pose for up to one minute while breathing deeply to ease anxiety or stress naturally.

6. Cat's Pose

This pose is great for relieving neck and back tension as well as stimulating the heart chakra.


Start on your hands and knees with a space between each of your hands a little wider than shoulder width apart. Spread all 10 fingers wide from one another so they are slightly turned out from the finger next to them, especially the thumbs which should be spread wide from one another.


Begin by curling your toes under and pressing into your hands as you slowly begin to exhale bringing your belly towards the mat while simultaneously pushing your chest up towards the sky.


Inhale slowly and deeply while you lower your belly towards the mat and relax your chest so that it opens again to the ceiling. Repeat this movement 10 times to ease anxiety or stress naturally.

7. Corpse Pose

This pose is great for total body relaxation and can be completed at anytime during the day to relieve any stress or anxiety.


Start by lying flat on your back with arms resting to either side of you, palms facing up. Slowly begin to let all tension from the day melt away as you allow your eyes to gently close and visualize a peaceful place you love being at. Allow your breathing to become deep and relaxing as it becomes calmer.


This pose is great for relieving stress and anxiety because it allows the body to relax fully, slowing your heart rate while you take deep breaths. Try holding this pose for five to ten minutes at a time while breathing deeply to manage stress or anxiety naturally.

8. Cobra Pose

This pose is great for stimulating the solar plexus chakra and opening up the chest. It also promotes a sense of freedom and optimism.


Start by lying flat on your stomach with your legs together and toes pointing up towards the ceiling. Slowly begin to curl your head and shoulders up off of the floor as you bend your elbows and lift your chest up towards the sky. Keep your head rolled back with your eyes looking towards the ceiling, but be careful not to strain the neck.


This pose is great for alleviating anxiety or stress because it opens up the lungs and increases oxygen intake while relaxing both mind and body at the same time. Try holding this pose for 30 seconds to one minute at a time while breathing deeply to feel more relaxed and stress free.

9. Sedating Wall Pose

Sit or lay very close to a wall with a cushion, pillow or folded blanket nearby. Swing the legs upward until they are against while you are laying on your back, legs fully extended straight up the wall. Lay your arms outward and relaxed on the floor, palms up. Enjoy the peaceful sensations of prana flowing down the legs and circulating all throughout your body.

Yoga Pose Tips

  • Start with a few deep breaths to calm your mind and body
  • Try the child’s pose, which is an easy way to relax
  • Take some time for yourself by doing the downward dog pose or the cobra pose
  • Find inner peace and happiness with one of these poses – you deserve it!
  • Remember that we all have different bodies so find what works best for you
  • Sit cross-legged during meditation. Take a moment for peace of mind from everyday life. Deep breathing exercises calm your racing mind as you enter a state of relaxation.
9 yoga poses for peace of mind

By focusing on your breathing and improving your flexibility and balance, meditation and yoga becomes more manageable. These 9 yoga postures are simple, easy to do and can make a big difference in your life.

When you’re feeling stressed or anxious, try any or all 9 yoga poses for peace of mind.

They’ll help take your mind off what’s stressing you out and restore some calmness to your day!



As always,

Be You Confidently


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