Change is hard, but here is how to start fresh goals. Goals are our intentions to do or achieve something. I want to talk about setting goals for yourself individually, but also for your family. Our family is the closest most important thing to us. Our family directly affects our mood, attitude, and behavior. Let us set positive family goals that will support our healing journey.
Why is change hard?
We are a programmed society. We are wired to think a certain way and if we do not, there could be consequences. Consequences like being made fun of, being criticized, or being considered an outsider. Most people want to be liked.
Our brain is constantly taking in information from the world around us and putting it in organized blocks. It knows what we need to protect us. When you go to change something in your brain, it does not recognize it and tries to protect you by shutting it out. As a result, we may stay in our “comfort zone”.
A comfort zone isn’t a bad thing. It is what keeps us safe for the most part. Even our bad habits were created to keep us safe. For example, you may eat a lot of sweets when you are stressed. The sweets and sugar give us a rush of good feelings, thus pushing the stress away. This is not good for us all the time but for the moment it keeps us “safe”.

Our brain is goal-oriented
Our brain is goal-oriented meaning it is always looking for something to do, think, or feel. We are constantly feeding our brain through what we watch, read, and speak. Other people can influence the way we think. What we say to ourselves influences what the brain focuses on.
If you focus on the negative, then negative things will keep happening. If you decide to focus on the positive or spin your perspective, then good things will come.
This is the hard part for most people, including me. With anxiety I worry a lot about what other people think, am I making a mistake, and dealing with a lot of regret.
What I am learning through therapy is that I and you must forgive ourselves and others. We are healers and helpers who are taking it to far by people pleasing. If you make a mistake, so what. Someone doesn’t like you, and? Things happen for a reason and everybody is not going to like us or what we do. We are living our life to learn and heal.
So, when you do not know what your purpose is, it is to learn and heal.
If change is hard how does starting with fresh goals help?
A new strategy I have learned to help when I am depressed is focusing on a goal. Staying busy but productive. With four children I am always busy. Now I want to focus on goals for me. To figure out what I want in life, and how to get it.
I see now that I am worthy of so much more, now I am making my way towards it. I find myself with so many ideas and ways to use my creativity. You can too.
Because our brain is goal-oriented, we must focus on positive goals in order to create the life we want. If there is a habit or belief that is holding us back, we can change it by focusing on a new goal. A goal that is sure to bring positive change.
How to Start Fresh Goals

Photo by Jess Bailey Designs from Pexels
These are the types of goals you should be focusing on:
- Self-love goals that increase your confidence and self-worth.
- Self-care goals that replenish your soul and leaves your mind clear and motivated.
- Career goals which can be through employment or entrepreneurship. As long as you are fulfilling your purpose.
- Financial goals to increase your wealth and not leave you in a state of lack.
- Family goals for you, your children, your spouse, your family members, and friends. Setting boundaries and knowing your values so you can achieve balance.
Breaking down your goals
Change is hard because you are not breaking up your goals. This means breaking your goals down into milestones that you can track. Tracking your milestones lets you know where you are versus where you want to be. It also keeps you accountable, that if you achieve this milestone you are closer to the next one.
Have an overall goal whether it is to be completed in 1 year or 3 years. Based on that overall goal, what do you need to achieve in the next 6 months to get closer to achieving your overall goal.
Do not stop there. What do you need to complete in 30-60 days to let you know you are building up to your 6-month goals?
Your weekly tasks should be focused and aimed at building that staircase to your 30–60 day goals, which will build up to your 6 month goals, which is necessary to achieve your overall goal.
Keep repeating this process for every 1 year goal you have. Do not overwhelm yourself by piling on a bunch of different goals. Focus on those that can be achieved within this timeframe and are most important where you are right now.

Starting fresh goals
I want you to let your old goals go. Not your dreams. Just those old new year’s resolutions that you did not complete. Don’t beat yourself up for not reaching them. Just start anew.
How can you start fresh goals based on where you are right now without overwhelming yourself?
Goals are intentions we set to achieve something. You should constantly be changing and evolving your goals. They should be big but not so big that they are unrealistic or overwhelming. Read this post Remember this when feeling overwhelmed.
Change is hard but doable. How to start fresh goals is going to help you come up with a plan to achieve your dreams. Start with an overall goal. Then break that down into milestones that can be completed in 6 months. Finally further break those milestones into weekly and daily tasks that will work together to get you closer to achieving your overall goal.
As always,
Be You Confidently
If you are a mom who needs help with creating a strategy and goals that align with your passion, purpose, and pleasure schedule a call with me here
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Great tips on breaking down goals! I’ve fallen into the trap later where I am very busy but not necessarily productive. Looks like it’s time for me to set a new goal that actually inspires me to be more productive!
Awesome! Glad to help.
I totally agree with you that our brain is goal-oriented, and like you, I have discovered that setting small goals day by day can make a difference to better express our personality. Great post, I really appreciate it. Thanks for sharing
Thank you for reading. I have to do small goals so I do not become overwhelmed.
Goal setting can be hard, especially hard when your goal doesn’t feel that it fits you anymore. So keeping your goals fresh, and make sure that you are aligned with them is so important! Love it!
Thank you for reading glad you enjoyed it.