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Are You Ready to Get Organized?
How important is decluttering your space? Your environment affects your mind. If you have a hectic environment, it will be very hard to maintain peace. Thus, learning how to declutter your space for a more calming environment will lead to a calmer mind.
Having a hard time getting organized? Don’t sweat it. It can be easy to overwhelm yourself and then give up. Start with a plan, then do a little at a time. Here are some tips to prepare you to declutter your space:
Tip 1.
Make a plan. Where do you need to start? Not sure? Start with the easiest or less messy room and work your way up.
Tip 2.
Stay positive. Decluttering is not as hard as you think. Overthinking leads to overwhelm and you will quit. Believe you can do this because of the benefits.
Tip 3.
Decide what you need to throw away ahead of time. This will get your mind around letting go of things you have been holding onto for years.
Tip 4.
Get you some rest the night before. This will give you the energy to finish the task and avoid burnout.
Tip 5.
Put your cleaning supplies in the room ahead of time. The more you look at the supplies the more it will tug on you to just get up and do it. Otherwise, you are creating even more clutter leaving it there. Do not do that.
So, how do you go from clutter to a calming environment? Here are 5 Steps to Decluttering for a Calming Environment
Step 1
Do one room at a time. In that room, pull out what you planned to throw away, (clothes, shoes, old pillows) and put it in a pile. Pull out any old papers or files and put them in a separate pile. Now spend time going through both, one at a time, and throw away what you no longer need or have not used in a long time. Do not worry that you may need it later. You won’t. Let it go.
Step 2
Organize the clothes you plan to keep, put shirts together and pants together, this helps with seeing what you have available. Only put light clothing and undergarments in a drawer, hang everything else up. Get a folder or file cabinet for necessary documents (birth certificates, court documents, etc.). Shred or burn other papers that have sensitive information on it.
Step 3
Anything that is not immediately needed should go in the basement or attic. Do not crowd that space either, only keep what you know you need. Even memorabilia. You want free flowing space in every room. Organize your knick-knacks. Wipe off tables and electronics. Vacuum floors. Buy a container to put utensils in. Only have appliances and small items like sugar bowl or bread on the counter.
Step 4
Organize your books by genre. Buy a bookcase so they are not scattered everywhere. If books are worn out or torn throw away. If gently used donate them. Donate old clothes and shoes as well. We donate to the salvation army. There are places that will pay you for donations as well.
Step 5
Create a sacred space. Somewhere quiet and intimate. Mines is in my bedroom. I purchased a soothing water fountain from amazon. I also bought candles, incense, crystals, and a singing bowl. I smudge this space and open a window to release negative energy. Decorate your room how you see fit. Add paintings or a rug to fill up spaces. Do not add more stuff, only things that will add value to your environment. Buy a diffuser and essential oils that have a calming or energetic effect. Make your living space comfortable.
I hope this blog post on how to declutter for a calming environment was helpful. Remember: plan, stay positive, decide what you will keep and throw away, collect your cleaning supplies ahead of time, and get enough rest the night before. The home is your sacred space and should be comfortable. Let go of the waste, it is only stuff and once you let go you are opening a door for better.
If you are busy and need ideas for self-care read my previous blog post on 10 ways to find time for self-care.
As always,
Be You Confidently