Before 2020 I had never heard of a moon ritual. Hell, I would’ve thought you crazy for “connecting” to the moon. But since starting my spiritual journey my mind has been open to all kind of things.
From meditation, to crystals, to moon rituals, and shadow work, I see there is a whole other world out there. There isn’t much information on these topics and a lot is subjective but still I’ve learned a lot.
I feel I am being led to the moon again and again. My spirit is telling me to concentrate on moon ritual healing and my cards. Reading tarot has been so therapeutic for me. The insight and ability to listen to my intuition is a central part of my healing process. I read my own tarot cards to see what it is I need to work on, let go, or receive as a blessing.
I highly recommend if you are stuck on how to start your healing journey download my 5 steps to healing and start moon rituals.
Here's How to do a Moon Ritual

Full Moon vs New Moon
A new moon is when the Sun and Earth are on opposite sides of the Moon. This alignment is what causes the moon to look invisible.
A full moon is when the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the Earth illuminating the Moon’s surface making it visible from Earth.
In Moonology spiritual practice the new moon is associated with new beginnings, positive change and defining what you want to attract. This is a better time to set intentions that you are wanting to manifest.
The full moon is associated with creativity, heightened emotions, and letting go of what no longer serves you.
You can do a new moon ritual that focuses specifically on manifestation and a full moon ritual that focuses on releasing negativity in your life. Some people do an overall moon ritual with pretty much the same steps with a tweak here and there.
I am one of those people. I do an overall moon ritual with a set system for both the full moon and new moon. Yet my focus or intention is different for each one.
During a new moon I focus on writing intentions, visualizing what I want to manifest, and getting clear on my desires.
On a full moon I focus on journaling, what I wish to let go of, and getting in tune with my emotions. How am I feeling and why? This is also time for doing shadow work.
Here’s the easy way to do shadow work
My ritual foundation though stays the same. I burn candles, use crystals, take a spiritual bath, meditate, and do my own card reading.
Tools to use for a Moon Ritual
A journal is very important when doing a moon ritual so you can record everything. You should be writing intentions, goals, visions, thoughts, feelings, and what unhealthy habits and behaviors you should let go of.
Writing things down and being specific, intentional, honest, and present makes manifestation easier to attain.
Another important tool is candles. Use what you have available because the point is to have one of the 4 elements of nature. Fire is pure but powerful. However, white candles are mainly used during ritual and altar work.
You use the candle to cast spells. Write your intentions down on a piece of paper or bay leaf. Be very specific. Place it under the candle and light the candle. Meditate and visualize what it is you want to happen. Banish any barriers in your way.
Another way to use candles is to write down what you want to release (negative people, situations, unhealthy habits, or behaviors that are sabotaging your success). Write it down on a piece of paper or bay leaf and burn it.
Using Crystals during a moon ritual is a personal choice to me. I say that because you should pick crystals you are drawn to. Once you pick that crystal or two look up its meaning. That meaning is what you need assistance on. Or what you need comfort with. For example, rose quartz helps with self-love. Black tourmaline absorbs negative energy.
Herbs can be used when taking a spiritual bath. Each herb has a different healing property so research what you need. Lavender reduces stress. Salt has deep healing and removing impurities. Roses influence love and feminine energy.
Other tools you can use are sound bowl, altar, pictures of your ancestors, sage, palo santo, Florida water, and moon water.

What to do during a Moon Ritual
Start with your spiritual bath. Add whatever herbs and flowers you like. Turn the lights off and light a candle. While in the bath you can listen to positive affirmations or just sit in silence to quiet your mind. Relax for at least 30 minutes.
Once you get out try to dress in something white. White represents purity and cleanliness.
Next get out your tools for this moon ritual making sure you at least have your journal. You can use a table or the floor to make a quick altar with all your moon ritual tools available. I have a glass table that belonged to my great-grandfather that I place my crystals, sage, sound bowl, and tarot cards.
Finally get into a comfortable position, light your sage, and meditate. Holding your crystals close you can feel the energy transferring between you. You can again listen to affirmations or repeat your own. Just say whatever is on your heart.
After you meditate write in your journal your thoughts and feelings. How did you feel in this moment? What crossed your mind? How did your body feel; relaxed, tense, content? What do you feel compelled to let go of?
At this point you can do a card reading or get one done by someone else. I pull 3 cards and look at what I need to work on, release, and feel. You can also see what new intentions you should be looking forward to by the next new moon.
Understanding Moon Rituals
That is it. Nothing too complicated. The moon represents our emotions, it is feminine, and illuminates our intuition. Doing a moon ritual allows you to connect to your emotional body and tap into your divine feminine intuitive power.
This allows you to understand yourself better and dissect anything that no longer serves you. You will find more peace, understanding, and appreciation for the woman you are.
As always,
Be You Confidently
Get a free Moon Ritual Checklist to keep everything you need for creating your own new or full moon ritual.


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