Getting started with shadow work can be complicated. Researching how to do shadow work will pull up a ton of results but still leave you confused. Over the last 3 years I have had to tweak shadow work to work for me. You could do the same.
If you are still unclear on what shadow work is read my last post on Shadow Work
Why Is Shadow Work So Hard?
Many people find shadow work hard for a couple reasons.
- They try to do everything at once and
- It will bring up a lot of things you tried to forget or suppress.
Shadow work isn’t hard, but it does require a lot. It requires transparency, honesty, and commitment. During this process you must be honest with yourself about the good, the bad, and the ugly. Also, those past traumas you tried to forget will need to get dealt with or else shadow work will not have positive results for you.
You do not want to go through this process just to still be in the same negative space because you skipped some steps. Every painful memory will have to be broken down and flipped around to bring you peace.
Is Shadow Work Even Necessary
I’ve been there thinking the same thing. Healing is a journey, just like life. Some things you are ready for and others you have to get ready.
With age, I am seeing that every challenge in my life was a necessary stepping stone to get me where I am today. I struggle with regret but when I look from a different perspective, I see my life would have been different but not always better. Every day is a new day for a new start. It is up to you to make the most of it to create the life you want.
Shadow work opens up the door to your true desires, so you know what you really want. Healing your inner child and embracing your shadow self teaches you to love you. The shadow self is not full of bad traits, there are good traits too that were pushed away. You got a whole nother set of strengths you didn’t even know. Therefore, shadow work helps you step into your power.
Benefits of Shadow Work
The sad reality is that for a lot of people, the term shadow work conjures up all kinds of negative and dark associations. Because of those associations we have with the word shadow, it is easy to think that shadow work is a dark spiritual practice. Or that it is internal work that involves only the more negative or sinister aspects of our personality. Or that it simply gets you stuck in pain and powerlessness. Or that if you focus on the shadow, all you get and create is more shadow.
However, none of this is actually the case. You get many benefits from doing shadow work such as:
- Shadow work is a tool for you to use for your greater good. Shadow work is not meant to make you feel bad or harbor on the negative. It is meant to shed a light on your unconscious thoughts and parts of your personality that give you strength. Becoming aware of your thoughts and who you are so you can create your existence.
- Shadow work makes you more conscious, looking at your reality from an objective lens. You become aware of what you don’t know and what you don’t want. This allows you to release what no longer serves you.
- Shadow work creates empowerment. Awareness of your shadow, that which you have rejected or suppressed, brings you to a point of choice. You can choose to stay stuck or negative or in a cycle of oppression. Or you can choose to do different, be different, and create a different reality.
- There are tons of gold in the shadow. People think the shadow is only negative traits but there are positive aspects as well. When you discover that gold in you, you will shine bright.
- Shadow work joins you with your authentic self. Doing shadow work requires you to dig deep and uncover both negative and positive parts of you. What makes you, you. You get to know yourself and your truth. Therefore, self-awareness and knowing you leads to more happiness and owning what is right for you.
- Shadow work gets you un-stuck. Being stuck leads to feelings of powerlessness. In order to take back your power you must be aware of what need to be worked on. You learn how to problem solve for yourself.
How To Do Shadow Work The Easy Way
Start by taking a deep breath. You can do this.
Next take out a piece of paper. Write out all the people in your life who had an influence on you. What characteristics do they have, negative and positive? Circle characteristics that you have as well.
Then make another list writing what you like and don’t like. From food to places, people, and things. List everything and be honest.
Look back over your childhood. Sit with yourself and visualize those events. How did you feel? How did other people make you feel? What did you want to be? Who discouraged you to be that? What did you love to do? Who made you ashamed to do that? Who were the bullies in your life?
Finally what state are you in now? Who do you want to be in the future? What have others said negatively about you and what have you said negatively about yourself? What makes it true? What makes it not true? What are your beliefs and values? Why? Where did these beliefs come from?
Did you know you can adopt new beliefs and values to align with your true self? Ask yourself who is the real ________?
Just that simple. The hard part is getting started.
How to do shadow work the easy way? You just need to start taking one step at a time. Shadow work is a process, which takes time, with the end goal being to integrate the unconscious shadow with our conscious self and reality. We should all be working to rid negative limiting beliefs, other people’s control, and feelings of shame. Instead embrace every part of who you are and who you want to be. Show that to the world, unapologetically. Become aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Be a victor instead of a victim by reclaiming your power and your right to be who you were born to be.
As always,
Be You Confidently
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