happy mom stay at home mom

Keep Your Sanity: 15 Tips to Stay Happy as a Stay-at-Home Mom

Being a stay-at-home mom can be challenging. Being happy as a stay-at-home mom can feel impossible.

There are so many demands on your time, and it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Let alone find time for yourself if you are the only one in charge of the household. Running errands, cooking meals, doing laundry, cleaning, and school, it can seem like you never get anything done.

There are ways to find happiness and thrive as a stay-at-home mom. Start here with these 15 tips that will help you find balance and keep your sanity.

Wake up Earlier

If you want to feel happier as a stay-at-home mom, one of the best things you can do is set an alarm clock. Start small, and gradually work your way up to waking up earlier. It will be worth it in the long run: people who get enough sleep are less stressed, more productive at their jobs, and happier overall.

If getting out of bed early is not a natural tendency for you? Start with 15 minutes, then work your way up over time.

Get dressed

Another excellent way to start your day happier is by getting dressed. Yes, it’s a small thing – but research has shown that people who dress well are more confident and have higher self-esteem. And when you feel good about yourself, you’re happier!

It’s tempting to want to stay in pajamas all day but getting dressed gives you the feeling of going to work.

Take a few deep breaths

We all know that feeling you get when you wake up: your mind races, the day feels overwhelming, and it’s hard to find time for yourself. But there are so many ways we can take care of ourselves each morning – like taking a quick moment just before getting out of bed to take a few deep breaths.

The next time you feel stressed out or overwhelmed, try taking a few moments to close your eyes and breathe deeply. Just 5 minutes will help with your anxiety, decrease stress hormone levels in the body and give you more energy for the day ahead!

self care for moms

Brush your teeth

It’s hard to stay happy as a stay-at-home mom when you’re not feeling great. One way to start your day happier is by brushing your teeth.

It’s a small thing that takes minimal time, but it makes such an impact! You’ll feel more awake and refreshed during the morning hours if you get this step out of the way first before starting your day.

Daily exercise

One way to start your day happier is by getting in a good workout in the morning.

Exercise has been shown to increase serotonin levels (the happy hormone!) and decrease stress hormones, leading you to feel better overall. You’ll have more energy throughout the day which means less time feeling lazy or exhausted – so take care of yourself!

Read inspiring articles and books

You should be reading something positive every day. We are constantly bombarded with depressing news or social media. Switch it up and read something inspirational. (Like this blog!)

Learn something new.

Try reading articles about things that make you feel happy: inspirational people doing incredible things for others or inspiring stories of everyday heroes. You’ll immediately feel better and want to do more good throughout the day.

Schedule a break

You need breaks throughout the day for yourself! Your body and mind will thank you later. Be sure to always make ‘me-time’ on your calendars, so that when the days get busy, you don’t forget to take a break.

vacation self care for moms

Set goals and Visualize success

One way to start your day happier is by setting goals for yourself and visualizing them as completed. I visualize what I want to accomplish each morning before I get out of bed.

What is the best way to set goals? Write it down in detail with the end date. I talk more about how to set new goals each month in this post How to Start Fresh Goals

One of the most important things with goals is visualizing success. Read articles or watch videos about how other people succeeded by using this technique: you’ll feel more motivated to achieve your own goals!

Keep a gratitude journal

I bought my gratitude journal at Walmart for less than 10 dollars.

At the end of each day, write down three things you’re grateful for that happened during that day: money in the bank account, another day to live, going on an enjoyable walk with friends, or getting a hug from your kids before school.

It’s important to realize how blessed we are and that there is so much good in our lives!

This practice can make the bad things easier to handle as you look on the brighter side of things.

Surround yourself with positive people

We all have that one person in our lives who is always negative. All they can talk about is how bad this or that is or always has drama going on. This negativity has been shown to make us feel worse; even though this person might not realize how much of an impact they have on our lives.

Try to limit or avoid these negative people and stay away from conversations that make you feel bad about yourself.

Surround yourself with positive friends and family who will encourage your happiness!

Get out once a week

It’s hard to stay happy as a stay-at-home mom when you’re stuck inside all the time.

Plan a day every week to get out of the house and do something that you enjoy. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant- a walk in the park, lunch at your favorite restaurant, wine tasting, or visiting a friend.

Moms tend to fall into isolation. When you lose yourself in housework and being a mom/wife, you can become depressed because you lost your own identity.

Always hold onto what makes you happy!


The first step in budgeting is to look at your current spending habits and what you’re doing with your money. Break down all your expenses.

How much money do you have left over once all of your bills are paid? How much are you putting away in savings for emergencies? What is your biggest expense? Is there any frivolous spending that you can cut out?

Once you figure out the answers to these questions, then it’s time to make adjustments. You need a plan for how much money is going into your checking account each month and what needs to be put aside in savings or putting towards debt repayment.

Look at discounts! You can find many programs that offer free samples, coupons, and other benefits just for joining a membership.

mom cooking in kitchen with daughter

Play music while cooking and cleaning

Studies have shown that music has a profound impact on our mood. Music can make you happy, make you cry, or leave you inspired.

Constantly cooking and cleaning can be a daunting task so add some upbeat music to make the time go faster.

Develop a new homemaking skill

It’s great to be a stay-at-home mom because we have the opportunity to develop skills that are beneficial in other aspects of life.

If you’re feeling stuck or bored, pick up a new skill like knitting, crocheting, cooking, gardening etc. and take it slow!

You’ll find yourself improving over time with practice and will be able to take those skills with you into other areas of your life.

Stick to a routine and schedule

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with a routine you don’t like. Or to feel there just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done.

Luckily, there are many ways to make it easier and more enjoyable!

Start by making your daily schedule at least one week ahead of time and filling in all the things that need to get done each day- breakfast, lunch, dinner and even the dishes.

This will help to keep all of your time accounted for, so you’ll know what needs to be done on any given day without having to spend hours upon hours figuring it out!

Next, stick with this schedule as much as possible while giving yourself some wiggle room in case something comes up. You can always go back and tweak it.

#Bonus Tip#: Do what you are passionate about!

The most important thing you can do to keep your sanity is find what makes YOU happy!

If you’re not doing anything that keeps your passion alive then it will be hard for you to feel satisfied with life. So, take some time today to indulge in what you love and see where it takes you!

happy mom stay at home mom

Being a stay at home mom is a full time job that requires your full attention. It is not for everybody and that’s OK. Figure out a method that works for you so you enjoy the life you build.

As always,

Be You Confidently


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2 thoughts on “Keep Your Sanity: 15 Tips to Stay Happy as a Stay-at-Home Mom”

  1. I love this! So many great tips for holding onto that sanity. It’s hard being a mom! And as a SAHM it’s hard to really feel like a person.

    I can’t even explain the power of a good shower, and getting dressed. It changes your whole day!

    1. theconfidentsilhouette

      True we can pour ourselves into our family and forget ourselves. Self-care will keep you sane

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