remember this when you are feeling overwhelmed

Remember This When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed and unmotivated? Trust me we have all been there. When dealing with depression and anxiety, you will be overwhelmed more often. Do you tend to procrastinate? Me too. It is due to self-sabotage. You do not feel worthy of achieving your goals. Procrastination is usually caused by fear of something. What that something is, you must find out?

Procrastination leads to feeling overwhelmed and unmotivated. You will just keep putting things off, saying you will get to it, but you won’t. Missing deadlines you know you shouldn’t. Let us stop the self-defeating behavior. Instead remember this when you are feeling overwhelmed.

Why Do We Feel Overwhelmed?

  • We can feel overwhelmed when we are disorganized.
  • We can feel overwhelmed when depressed.
  • Anxiety around change.
  • Taking on too many tasks at once.
  • Not having quality support around you.

What Happens When We Are Overwhelmed?

We can make bad decisions at the time. You go into survival mode and only see the bad that is in front of you. You must maintain patience and a positive attitude that this too shall pass.

You may also be indecisive due to having too many options.

You are unable to give your best. Take your time so you can give yourself and those around you 100%.

You will be more inclined to quit. When we are overwhelmed, giving up seems like a better option. If you really want it keep going but maybe change things around or take the road less travelled. You got this!

what happens when feeling overwhelmed

Things to Remember When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed

  1. Feeling overwhelmed is a natural part of life. It happens to most of us and has for millions of years. Humans are built to overcome and succeed, not to fail.

“A failure is just a lesson learned”


  1. We have the power to control our thoughts. When feeling overwhelmed, find time to clean out all the negative thoughts racing through your mind. Journaling helps with this. Afterwards you will feel invigorated and ready to take on the world. I offer a journal with 10 prompts to get clear on your goals and passions. You can grab that here.

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” William Wordsworth


  1. When taking on a new project or task, don’t start thinking of all the negative scenarios. This is self-defeating mindset, which you can learn about here. Dwelling in these thoughts will make the feeling of overwhelm worse. Instead chip away at a project and do a little at a time.

“Celebrate your small wins. A win is a win, no matter how small”


  1. What worked the last time you felt overwhelmed? Use what helped you the last time. Journaling; taking a break; creating a schedule are some ways to ease overwhelm.

“Lessons are to be learned from the past”


  1. Your problems are not always as bad as you think. You may be overthinking the situation. Look at those who may be worse off. Do something nice for others. It will make you feel good and put things in a new perspective.

“Do not settle for a half empty glass, always go for a full one”

Keep Reading If You Are Always Feeling Overwhelmed.

6. When you feel lost or ready to give up quickly change your situation. Take action. Those who overcome their struggles quickly are the ones who never give up. 

7. Practice gratitude with a gratitude journal and positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are statements to get your mind believing it is living a different reality. You can grab a free list of affirmations here. Stop comparing yourself to others. Don’t be blinded by your lack. Remember and appreciate what you do have. 

“Gratitude is a powerful catalyst to happiness. It is the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.” -Amy Collette


8. There are people rooting for you. You are not alone and can gain support. Join support groups either in person or online since we are in a pandemic. Building a tribe of supportive people is important for you. 

“There are friends, there is family, then there are friends that become family”


9. Organize your thoughts, organize your life. I wrote a post on how to declutter for a calming environment for you to read. 


10. Incorporate calming techniques such as essential oils, diffuser, meditation, sleep and breathing exercises. Here is a post on breathing exercises to reduce stress


Attitude and perspective play a part in helping you feel less overwhelmed. We all need support and that is what the Confident Silhouette provides. I write to provide you with information that will help change all our lives, starting with our mindset. You may feel overwhelmed today but you can change that tomorrow. Meditation and essential oils started me on a path to feeling calm. Positive affirmations reinforced positive thinking but only when I decided to do the work seriously. We are all a work in progress. I believe in you.


As always,

Be You Confidently


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